

Hybrid work is the practice where employees work some days in an office and some days at home. This model is here to stay, and the shift happened in just a few years. 根据盖洛普, before 2020 only around one-third of remote-capable employees were on a hybrid schedule, 8%的人完全远程工作. As of February 2022, 42% had a hybrid schedule, and 39% worked entirely from home. It’s projected that work from home numbers will go down by the end of the year as more companies figure out what will work best for them and their employees. In a majority of cases, a hybrid work model is the solution of choice. We decided it might be helpful to write this blog explaining the benefits of hybrid work, as well as the best practices that can make it work for your organization.


There are many physical and mental hybrid work schedule benefits for both employers and employees. 其中包括更好的员工健康, 更有竞争力的招聘和留住人才的能力, 甚至提高了生产力.

  • 更好的员工健康: 在大流行之前, 麻省理工学院已经在进行研究 混合式工作安排的好处. 他们发现,混合工作模式下的员工睡得更好, 更少的倦怠感, 看医生的钱也少了.

  • 招聘和留住人才: The same study from MIT found that employees working in a hybrid model were 33% less likely to quit compared to those on a traditional schedule. 另一个 来自Condeco的民意调查 found that over 80% of employees at all levels of the organization want a hybrid schedule. 无论你是在招聘新员工还是想留住关键人才, 提供混合工作对一些人来说是一种福利, 以及对他人的期望.

  • 提高生产率: 据估计,那些 平均工作1次.4天 a month more than their in-office counterparts, leading to three weeks of additional work per year. When employees are able to set their own hours to some extent and work around the events in their life, it means they can be more focused during the times they are working.

A hybrid work schedule allows employees to experience these benefits while also gaining the social connection and cultural benefits of being in the office a few days a week.


There are many hybrid work model examples to consider, each with its own kind of schedule.

  • 把团队: Some members of the organization or department are fully remote, 而其他人则完全在办公室里.

  • 混合变化: Everyone is in the office some days at the same time, and works remotely on the other days.

  • 灵活: Employees are expected to work in the office a certain number of days each week, but they get to decide which days those are based on their schedule.

Overall, flexible hybrid work seems to be what is the most desired by employees. At the same time, this model can compromise some of the benefits of being in the office. 如果你的目的是与你的同事联系和合作, 但是那天没有其他人在办公室, 预期的效果不会达到. This is why each company must develop a model that works for its goals. 在莫泽, we offer our employees the choice to come to the office if they want, but also allow flexibility for workers to be fully remote if they desire. 这不仅让mg官方游戏中心的员工感到高兴, but allows us to recruit new employees wherever the best talent can be found.

What is known is how many days employees prefer to work from home versus in the office. 根据 数据由VentureBeat报道, spending three or four days a week working from home and coming into the office for one or two days is most desired, 从初级到高级管理层. 例如, you might require everyone to be in the office Monday and Tuesday, 然后让他们在一周剩下的时间里在家工作.


The approach to proposing a hybrid work schedule is different for an employee versus company leadership.

为员工: If you are proposing a hybrid work schedule to your boss, the first thing to consider is timing. If they have just announced everyone will be required to work from the office full-time again, 尽管你可能不想这么做, 现在可能不是提出混合提案的合适时机. This is because of our second tip, be specific about the benefits. If you can demonstrate that hybrid work leads to better outcomes, 你更有可能成功上诉. 最后,提供一次试运行. This gives your organization a chance to see the benefits for themselves without feeling they have made a permanent decision.

经理: In the case of managers, it’s more likely you are trying to get employees back in the office. It’s important to start this initiative with an understanding of what employees need and prefer. After two years of remote work, people have gotten good at working from home. Will you be reducing your workload to account for time spent commuting and lost productivity due to distractions in the office? It’s also important to come to the table with clear benefits you want this change to achieve. Simply insisting employees come back to the office as a matter of control might cause more losses than gains. Companies can also consider presenting a hybrid model as a trial run, gathering employee feedback after a month or quarter to see if the change is going well.


There are several hybrid work schedule best practices to document in writing as your company moves forward, 包括:

  • 混合工作的资格标准

  • Expectations of hours worked and hours of availability for meetings

  • Technical requirements and software which must be used for communication

  • Days it is expected to be in the office, as well as clear methods of tracking

  • Access to key resources, including channels for providing feedback

如果你正在寻找一个混合的工作策略模板,SHRM 人力资源管理学会,提供了一个可以复制粘贴的. 他们也有  还有很多其他优秀的资源 对于当前使用或迁移到混合模型的团队.


你是否需要帮助  混合团队的IT设置,或者希望你的科技公司得到支持 业务结构和组织文化, Moser咨询公司可以提供帮助. We have decades of experience helping organizations weather change, 从大局到小细节. mg官方游戏中心的顶尖人才, 结合领先技术, can be a valuable resource for you as hybrid work transforms your business for the better. 立即mg官方游戏中心!



