The Importance of Loving What You Do

mg官方游戏中心来谈谈mg官方游戏中心的工作生活. Say you work a fairly standard work schedule, around 40 hours a week. 这几乎是1 / 4 (23).占你整个星期的8%. 如果你每晚睡8小时,那就是另一回事了 第三 你一周的时间都被吞噬了. 工作占用了你大量的时间和精力. If you get stuck in a rut where you’re lacking inspiration or falling out of love with your work, it begins to feel like all you do is work…or think about work…or eat, 或睡眠.

“Do what you love, and you'll never have to work a day in your life.“曾经有人

你以前遇到过这个小智慧吗? It’s a quote that’s been used so frequently we can’t even figure out 最初是谁说的. Despite the mystery of whose quote this is, its popularity likely reflects how desperately we 想要 这是真的. 这就是梦想,对吧? To have a well-paying and satisfying job that doesn’t feel like work. And to not feel dread every Sunday evening as the upcoming week looms over your conscience.

热爱你所做的有什么大不了的? 这里有几个理由让你牢记在心.



“你的工作将占据你生活的很大一部分, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. 做伟大工作的唯一途径就是热爱你所做的工作."

It’s almost such a simple concept you might smack yourself for not thinking of it first. 在你的一生中,你会有很多工作要做. And you’ll only be on the planet for so long, so that time has to . 自我评估和问自己永远不会太迟, “这真的是我想花时间做的事情吗?? 这是我技能的最佳运用吗? 这是我激情的最佳发泄渠道?”

在更细粒度的层面上, loving what you do makes each work day go more quickly—while you produce better results. 如果你听说过",这就是mg官方游戏中心所指的. 以下是作者Dragos Bratasanu的定义:

“Flow is a state of being when we are completely focused, and fully immersed in what we are doing. 在心流状态下,mg官方游戏中心的工作似乎毫不费力, 创造力进入超速状态, mg官方游戏中心受到启发, 动力来自于内心.”


这也证明了 健康的好处 去热爱你所做的一切. When your personal life and work life are both balanced and based around your passions, 你只会感觉更好——甚至活得更久. 当你的工作是在一个你喜欢的领域, 你可以期待更低的压力, 更好的大脑和身体健康, 更好的人际关系, 和更多的. Conversely, the longer you languish in a job you hate, the more you risk wrecking your health.

当你热爱你所做的事, 你是一个更投入的贡献者, 更好的队友, 更快乐, 更平衡的人.

再次强调,改变永远不会太迟. That doesn’t mean it’s not going to be at least a little bit scary, but author Israelmore Ayivor 把你所热爱的事物联系起来, 与工作建立更好的关系, 增强你的适应力:

“If you don’t do what you love, you will never love what you do. 如果你不喜欢你所做的事, you are likely to be worried anytime a duty is assigned to you concerning that.”


你对它有多熟悉 马斯洛的层次结构 人类的需要? It’s a framework for understanding the human experience and what it means to feel safe and secure, 就像你属于这里,被爱着一样, 培养自尊和, 最终, 自我实现. Here’s how he explains the core philosophy behind the iconic pyramid and the importance of knowing who you are:

“音乐家必须创作音乐, 艺术家必须画画, poets must write if they are to 最终 be at peace with themselves. 人类能成为什么样的人,就必须成为什么样的人.”


大多数工作都能满足一个人最基本的需求, a safe workplace and wages that enable them to have reliable food to eat and a place to live. Sadly, for many people this is all they work for: the paycheck. It’s why we frequently use analogies like referring to work as the or 激烈竞争. 多么令人愉快的意象啊! These people literally think of work as a necessary evil that they just have to deal with in order to merely live.

But people who love what they do have a different experience altogether. They aren’t constantly second-guessing themselves and their choices, they don’t let feelings like resentment creep into their thinking. They often can’t imagine how people live their lives like that.

当你热爱你所做的事, you can realize work-life balance.

信不信由你, when you actually enjoy your work and find it appropriately fulfilling and challenging, the mysterious old quote about “never work[ing] a day in your life” actually starts to ring true. 工作与生活的平衡不再是不可能的. You don’t dread going into work, dealing with your colleagues, or accepting new responsibilities. It’s easier to contribute and collaborate when you’re not constantly second-guessing the life choices that got you into the role you’re in.


What, you don’t live in a fantasy world where everyone feels like they’re living their best life? 你不会每天早上醒来庆祝你的工作? mg官方游戏中心知道,这是常有的事. Here are a few tips to help you rediscover your passion—or know when it might be time to look for something else to be doing.

A lot of times, people mistakenly think they’re trapped in jobs or careers. You might feel like you just need to “stick it out” or “toughen up.” But what if the problem lies not with you, but with the job? There’s no shame in job-hopping, even completely changing careers—whether you’re 20, 40, or even 60.

Did you know that the average number of different jobs a person holds over the course of their working years is 12? That means a pretty large subset of the readers of this very blog may still have multiple different occupations ahead of them. If you’re able to find satisfaction and growth in the same job for 20 years, 虽然, 这也没什么错!

话虽如此,大约有一半(49%) of American workers say they are very satisfied with their current job.

What, exactly, do these numbers mean for you and your career? Not a whole lot—other than the fact that you shouldn’t feel bad if you’re not feeling the love any more.

有, 正如mg官方游戏中心在整个博客中所指出的那样, plenty of reasons to believe that you largely control your own destiny and that there’s no time like the present to start redefining your relationship with your work. 这样你就会更快乐、更健康, 做好工作, 不仅对你今天所处的位置感到满意, 而是你明天想去的地方.


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